If you have been working hard
to achieve the SUCCESS in life, but there is seemingly always something
that eludes you, you just can't seem to make that breakthrough, then…
"At last, An
amazing NEW breakthrough system based on the latest cutting-edge brain
technology that completely removes the ROOT CAUSE of all your life's
problems and frustrations automatically with no effort on your part!
...Now you can achieve your fullest
potential in your finances, relationships, health and every aspect of
your life! 100% guaranteed, or you don't pay a dime!!!"
From: Song
Wednesday, 09-Jan-2013
Dear friend,
Have you ever
wondered why most of the self improvement programs or books on the market
and maybe some on your bookshelf never work? ... There are even some that
work for a few *special ones*, but never work for you?
Have you ever
wondered why you have worked so hard to make your life work, and strived so
hard to make more money to pay your bills, to make your relationship more
harmonious, and to gain better health, but your just couldn't make
that breakthrough? Is there seemingly always something that eludes you.
You wonder
why, but never find the answer!
Let me make
something crystal clear for you right now:
It's NOT your fault!
Here is why…
99.9% of the
popular books or programs on self improvement are only dealing with the
symptoms of your life problems or frustrations, NOT the true
For example,
if you have financial problems, you will be advised to take the expensive
wealth building seminars that teach you a bunch of money making
strategies. BUT, the fact of the matter is that your financial
problems are not caused by your lack of money-making ideas, but by
something deeper and more fundamental.
If you have
relationship problems, people will advise you to go to relationship
experts who can give you tons of tips and strategies to improve your
relationship. BUT you will find that the fulfilling loving relationship
that you have dreamed of is still out of your reach. That's because your
relationship problems are only symptoms, not the fundamental
If you want to
FINALLY solve all your money, health, relationship problems and so on,
you must…
Remove the ROOT CAUSE of all your
life's problems and frustrations!
When that
Your financial situations start
to change, you start attracting money and abundance into your life.
Things that you've always
wanted started to show up in your life effortlessly.
You start to feel TRUE joy from
your work and love doing what you do.
You start to attract the right
supportive relationships.
Perfect health, financial
wealth, love and happiness will be yours
You feel peace with yourself and
You feel good about yourself in
every respect.
You find yourself more
energetic, passionate, and enthusiastic.
Then, you're
What is the root cause of all your life
problems and frustrations?
You will see
it clearly in just a second.
Let me show
you some of the common frustrations that people have in their life. Just
take a few minutes to consider the following statements, see if they
sound familiar to you…
“My biggest frustration in life is not having enough money
to pay all my bills and have some leftover for fun, savings, investing
and living the life of my dreams.”
“I still haven't been able to attract economic abundance
in my life, I'm still struggling.”
“I have all of these good ideas that I could make money
with, but when it comes time to do something with them, I freeze. I have
no idea why. It is driving me crazy.”
“I work far too many hours and am not able to enjoy life.”
“I lost my job, unable to pay my bills, etc.”
“Apparently I'm stuck in a job that I abhor.”
“Even though I tried very hard to lose fat around my
waistline, the results are not according to my expectations.”
“I will lose weight but always gain it again.”
“I would like to be in a wonderful, very happy romantic
relationship but can't seem to find that.”
“That I can't seem to attract the type of person I
desire...young, sexy and totally into me.”
“I'm so scattered and can not focus. I have too many
details to attend to and not enough time. I have difficulty with
following through projects that are important to me.”
“I am overwhelmed with all the new, interesting
information, practices and ideas.”
“My aspirations for accomplishments in life were too big
and somehow my lack of confidence in myself got in my way.”
“I tried all I know to make my life better, but it does
not seem to be working.”
If any of the
above statements sounds like you, don't worry, you are not alone.
These are what
most people have been struggling with. But I can tell you that these are
all just illusions that keep you unaware of your fundamental ROOT CAUSE.
But most
people don't realize that, so they spend all their time and effort trying
to eliminate these symptoms, and they find in the end that more
frustrating symptoms come up one after another.
If you've
got a headache that is caused by an old disease, you go to the doctor,
and he/she gives you some drugs to cure the headache. Do you think the
same headache will come up again?
because the fundamental cause of the headache remains unchanged...
The same symptoms will come up again and
The same
principle applies to all the above frustrations you just read. But people
are making the same mistake again and again by going to a doctor for the
headache instead of the root cause of their headache. They have been
treating “symptoms” rather then the “causes”
But before I tell you what that root cause
Let's do a detailed analysis of our
problems in life.
Imagine the following scenario: Bob is a 52 year
old man working on a job that he hates for many years with a minimum
salary that barely makes ends meet. He always finds himself not
having enough money to pay his monthly bills. He's divorced and has
been living alone for the past 10 years, he wanted to have a loving and
fulfilling relationship, but can't find one. He eats a lot
because he has an emotional eating habit. He's been overweight for
many years, he worked hard to lose weight but
always gains it back. When he is working, he finds himself suffering from
a lack of energy and can't focus on the things he wants to
accomplish. Let's imagine what kind of problems the Bob has in his
Being stuck
in a job that he hates
Not having
enough money to pay all his monthly bills
Lack of
focus and mental discipline
Lack of
Loses weight
but always gains it back
eating habit
Does not
have a happy fulfilled love relationship
These are just some typical problems that
people find in their finance, relationships and health. As I said none of
these problems are the real problem, they are simply the symptoms that
are caused by something deeper. If you examine these symptoms deeply, you
will notice that these they are not independent,
They are ALWAYS connected by some kind of
cause-effect relationship
The figure below is a current reality tree (a
thinking process developed by business genius Eliyahu
M. Goldratt) which is used for graphically
representing the current reality of a system, in our case, Bob's
The arrows represent the cause and effect
relationships. The
current reality tree should be read from bottom up, and the lowest entry
point is the root cause of all symptoms above

Current Reality Tree of Bob's
This is just
an example. If you do the same analysis for your own life, you will
inevitably come to the same conclusion that...
The ROOT CAUSE of all life problems and
frustrations is an INEDAQUATE SELF IMAGE (ISI).
ISI is the
feeling of inadequacy that you formed by the age of five or six years
old. It is one of the first things formed in your life. It has a lasting
effect on your failure or success. It plays a more important role than
any other single factor.
said that average people use less than 10% of their total potential. What
do you think is limiting us from achieving our full potential? It is the INEDAQUATE SELF IMAGE that we formed at an early age.
Think about
the mess you could make of even the simplest tasks assigned to you today
with the self image of a six-year old.
Our ISI is
formed in the first few years of our life from the CONDITIONING we
received from our parents and others around us. They give us a feeling of
inadequacy that lasts for years. And...
We are conditioned into believing that we are “no good”
at certain kinds of activities.
As long as we
keep that ISI, we will NEVER reach our full potential, and NEVER create
the life-long success that we have always wanted.
good news is that your ISI can be changed.
And when you
change your inadequate self image to an adequate one, you change
again take the example of Bob's life.
What do you
think his life will look like if he successfully changed his inadequate
self image?
He will look
like a completely new person!
The figure below
is a FUTURE-REALITY-TREE, representing the future reality of Bob's
life after he has changed his self image.
Read the
future reality tree of Bob from bottom up, and see if the cause and
effect relationships are sound to you. Most importantly, see what kind of
life that Bob is living now.
He's now
making enough money to pay all his monthly bills, and live the lifestyle
that he dreamed of. He's lost his weight and never gained it back.
He's now in a happy, fulfilling and loving relationship.
All these wonderful things come because he changed his inadequate self image.

Future Reality Tree of Bob's Life
Now you have
seen how Bob's life completely changed after changing his
inadequate self image. Imagine what your own life will look like after
changing the inadequate self image to an adequate one.
You can have the financial
freedom and security to do whatever you want, when you want for yourself
and your loved ones.
You can have a loving circle of
friends you trust and a fulfilling relationship based on love, trust,
respect and dignity.
You can find peace and stability
in an ever changing world environment.
You will be able to pay off all
your debts, earn enough money to pay your bills and other expenses, have
the lifestyle you enjoy, live in a nice home, travel anyplace you want
not having to worry about money, help those less fortunate than yourself.
You can have your own profitable
and successful business, be your own boss, work when and where you want.
You can make more money than you
ever dreamed, be able to buy and do what you desire, and be free of money
You will be able to get to the
inner place where you love yourself deeply, completely, unconditionally,
and always nurture yourself no matter what.
You will peel away the layers of
self-hate, doubt, fear, shame, anger, and low self-worth that block you
from truly tapping into, and staying tapped in
to your true, real, core, wonderful amazing unique self.
You will be able to free of
stresses, look and feel healthy and vigorous, and have more energy and
You will have more time to spend
with your loved ones, and more holidays, complete freedom.
You can live each day to the
fullest capacity, see the beauty in all things.
You will attract to you the
people and events necessary to make you succeed, and surround yourself
with successful people and people who acknowledge you and respect you for
your achievements.
That's just the
tip of the iceberg. Once you change the inadequate self image to an
adequate one, the possibilities are endless. In fact...
You're on your way to having everything in the
world you want!
Now that you're
convinced that the root cause of your problems in life is your inadequate
self image. Then the question you should ask is...
How Can I Change My Self Image From
Inadequate To Adequate?
Well, I can
tell you from own experiences that it is NOT easy using traditional
methods of affirmations, meditations, visualizations etc, etc.
Because it
takes tremendous self-discipline! Most people lose faith and fall right
back where they started at before they see any results.
The good news
is that the latest developments in brain and sound technologies have
provided a faster and easier way for us, a way that takes almost no self
Yes, you hear
me right. The new way takes almost no conscious efforts,
it's the fastest and easiest way to create changes in your life. It's
a way to literally rewire your brain from the first time you use it, and
all of this happens automatically.
Let me
introduce to you the fastest and easiest way to make positive and
permanent changes in your life automatically...
“The Morry Method” TM
Brainwave Entrainment Technology
Before I tell
you about this breakthrough technology, let me introduce you the
developer of this technology Morry Zelcovitch, the only credentialed
brainwave entrainment engineer on the planet.
Morry is
internationally known because of his unique credentials: he's been
personally mentored for years by David Siever, the world top researcher
in the field of Brainwave Entrainment. He diligently studied under this
master practitioner of brainwave entrainment, all because he was so
frustrated with his own life he needed a change fast.
Here is
Morry's Story...
“As a
child I had many problems ranging from thousands of voices in my head to
severe depression. I also had a very big mouth, was always getting into
trouble and almost unbelievably accident prone (I have
dislocated/separated my shoulders alone over 150 times, I won't
even get into the myriad of broken bones, shredded tendons and ligaments,
concussions, etc.)
As a matter
of fact I remember thinking up the phrase “life is but a disease,
for which there is no cure but death”. I often thought about how
great it would be, to be... not here anymore, not anywhere
inside me made me start looking into this field when I began to notice
that sometimes time seemed to move faster and more pleasantly than other
times. I eventually made the connection that when time seemed to move
quicker, the sounds I was hearing were more, rhythmic in nature and when
time seemed to painfully stand still, the surrounding sounds were far
more disjointed in nature.
All of this
started me on a 15-year odyssey of research into the field of “brain
wave entrainment” After many years of using other
people's products with some limited success, I was determined to
figure out why these recordings seemed to work but only in a minor way,
with little effect, when all of the research I read suggested the effects
should be more dominant than what I was experiencing.
I decided
that my best route to understanding might be by learning at the feet of
an expert in the field. So I ended up contacting the world's
foremost expert in the field of brainwave entrainment and learned
invaluable information that could not be gotten anywhere else.
I was
trained and now I am one of the few in the world who actually can claim
to be a “Certified Brainwave Entrainment Engineer”- and I
have the education to back it up!
Now I want
to help others to be all they can be naturally.”
-- Morry
Now that
you have heard Morry's story, then what is “The Morry Method”?
Morry Method", personally engineered by Morry Zelcovitch, is a
unique and advanced brainwave entrainment technology that uses a
proprietary protocol developed for presenting various stimuli to the
brain and mind. The end result of this method is much "softer"
on the brain/body system and offers a more natural incorporation of the
"brain beats".
What it does
is to guide you into and maintain certain natural brain frequencies, create
new neural pathways and change patterns of perception and information
transfer in the brain, thereby creating new ways of experiencing yourself
and your world...
All you have
to do is to sit back or lie down, and listen to the specially designed
brainwave entrainment sound tracks. All changes will happen
Morry Method” is light years ahead than any other brainwave
entrainment technology out there. You may of heard
of terms like Binaural Beats, Isochronic Tones and Monaural Tones etc.,
that are used in brainwave entrainment programs. You may also know that
Isochronic Tones and Monaural Tones are much more powerful and more
effective than Binaural beats.
But you may
not know that Morry is the one who first used Isochronic Tones and
Monaural Tones in actual brainwave entrainment products, and he is the
one who popularized these terminologies.
Since the
first “The Morry Method” product was made available on the
market. Many companies or individuals started using Isochronic Tones and
Monaural Tones in their own brainwave entrainment recordings.
And they think
that is the only reason that makes “The Morry Method” stands
out from all its competitors.
That cannot be
further from the truth!
“The Morry Method” is Light Years
Ahead of ANY Other Brainwave Entrainment Technology
That may sound
like a big claim, but it is not. Then what makes “The Morry Method”
so advanced, and so much more powerful than others. It is because of a
few reasons:
First, “The
Morry Method” is based on latest up to date and REAL science. Morry has been studying under and working
with the world foremost researchers and scientists in this area for more
than 20 years. He knows the ins and outs of this science, and the insider
information that is not even published in the literature. He knows
exactly what works and what does not.
Most of the
products in this market are based on outdated research, their
effectiveness CANNOT compare with “The Morry Method”.
What that
means to you as a “The Morry Method” user is...
“The Morry Method”
allow for the release of very specific combinations of neurotransmitters,
endorphins and hormones which create very specific results and benefits...
only with real science are these possible.
“The Morry Method”
creates long lasting results.
You will have the privilege of
experiencing the latest cutting edge brain technology before any of your
peers do...That means you look cool, doesn't it? J
You'll be on the ground
floor and take advantage of the latest scientific research results to
change your life and get ahead of everyone else.
Second, “The
Morry Method” uses unique and more powerful Isochronic and monaural
tones. These special
brainwave entrainment tones are based on latest scientific research, and
have UNIQUE features. They have more uniform wave shapes (the more
uniform the shape of the sound wave, the more effective the stimulation)
that enables
Deeper entrainment
Smoother transition between
states of mind... alpha. theta, etc....
More accurate reproduction of
brain states and thus their associated production of needed
That means
enormous benefits to you as an end user.
entrainment will enable you to get into the REAL desired state and
reproduce more neurochemicals in your brain. It is actually the chemicals
that make you change and feel the results.
Here is a list
of the main neuro chemicals that “The Morry Method” has been
shown to positively affect...
Acetylcholine - has been related to learning, memory,
sleep. Research has shown that Alzheimer patients tend to show a 90%
reduction in acetylcholine.
Norepinephrine - has been related to attention, focus and
is very important to memory formation.
Serotonin - has been related to a wide variety of
issues including depression, suicide, aggression, alcoholism, sexual
deviance, rage, compulsion, fearfulness and lack of self confidence. It
regulates things like mood, sleep, and total food intake and pain
sensitivity. Interestingly, women tend to produce less Serotonin, perhaps
resulting in an increased susceptibility to depression and obesity.
Dopamine - is naturally increased by things like
drugs, alcohol, nicotine and cocaine.
Endorphins - Aside from the pleasant feelings we get
from endorphins they have also been shown to affect things like memory,
learning and reaction time.
Here is a list
of the main hormones that can be positively affected by “The Morry
Cortisol - responsible for weight gain and immune
system inhibition.
DHEA - acts as a buffer against stress. We
naturally produce less as we age.
Melatonin - important for healthful sleep. We
naturally produce less as we age.
Morry Method” brainwave entrainment tones enable a smoother
transition between mind states. The matter of fact is., the easier the
transition, the easier it is to entrain into the mind state, the easier
it is to entrain, the more effective the entrainment will be. It also
makes the experience more pleasant which has 2 benefits...
If entrainment is pleasurable
then it is more likely to be a deep and effective experience.
It will make it more likely that
you will continue to use it and thus make it even more effective both in
the short and more importantly, long term.
Comfort plays
a large role in how effective brainwave entrainment can be... “The
Morry Method” systems are designed with this in mind.
Morry Method” brainwave entrainment tones enable more accurate
reproduction of brain states.
You need at
least 6 full minutes at any desired frequency to allow the brain to
entrain to it (This is called the frequency following response). Any
unwanted sounds that occur during presentation of the main tone actually
get in the way of the entrainment process.
Accuracy of
the wave form makes all the difference as when the form or shape of the
waveform is not the same as the wave that preceded it, then the brain
will think that it is different, if it thinks its
different then the quality of the entrainment and thus the results will
be adversely affected.
Most of the
entrainment products out there can sound pretty much the same to your
"conscious ear", don't be fooled though... your brain,
actually your neurons can easily tell the difference and this is why you
get such poor results from other products... the real test here is long
lasting effects.... the real test here is the ability to use the system
in a year and still get results like you did earlier on.... YOUR BRAIN
The third
reason that makes “The Morry Method” light years ahead is
that it offers different versions of brainwave entrainment tones. That
means, for one recording, you will get different versions which have
different stimulation patterns and tones.
Simply put, it
gives you the chance to choose what you need based on the mood you are
actually in at the time you are listening.
If you like a tone series it
will naturally work better for you... everybody else has a one size fits
all philosophy... this is not a good or effective way to be.
This gives you variety when
using the recordings, this allows for less chance of getting bored with a
recording and allows for the likelihood that people will actually use it
regularly... which is of course necessary for it to have maximum effects.
You can choose your favorite
tone and stimulation pattern, and attain the best effectiveness.
The different tonal values
allows for subtle differences in brain stimulation, making the mind more
elastic if you will and the development more effective.
Choice allows for you to be more
comfortable, initially... which helps to increase your confidence in the
technology and furthers the deepening of the effects...
Last but not
least, the fourth reason that makes “The Morry Method” ahead
of any other brainwave technology is the dual brainwave nature of “The
Morry Method” recordings.
Let me put it
in simple terms.
In regular BWE
you are presented with a series of tones that are intended to entrain
your brains cells (neurons) into a natural but infrequent state,
depending upon the frequency chosen.
What is not so
well known though is that the brain not only needs to work in unison for
efficiency and effectiveness (also known as Whole Brain Thinking), but it
also needs to be able to operate in different states at the same time!
You may not
know this, but we all actually have 2 brains. The right and left
hemisphere are not actually joined together except at the top of the
spine, by "teaching" the hemispheres' to work
independently in such a manner, we actually increase its abilities by
many times over the more traditional whole brain scenario...
activities require this in order for peak efficiency and benefit to
occur... “The Morry Method” dual brainwave entrainment
recording will quiet the voices of stagnation that stop creativity and
confidence and then prepare your mind and brain for the ultimate turn
around... one which allows for supreme self esteem to be born.
The above are some
of the reasons that make “The Morry Method” the most advanced
and effective brainwave entrainment technology. But don't take my
word on it, listen to what our customers have to
say about “The Morry Method”.
Side note: The Quantum Mind Power or QMP mentioned in
the testimonials is an older version using “The Morry Method”
“For The First Time... My
Ability To Concentrate and Focus on Things Had An Amazing Jump Out of
I have been listening to QMP now
for over two months, for almost a month and half I was trying different
time rate of listening, I was experimenting with the recordings so that
I could experience something new.
I was not sure I was really benefiting from the listening, yes it was
much deeper than any brain entrainment program I have tested, I wasn't
sure if I would get any results....
...Just this week for the first time my ability to concentrate and
focus on things had an amazing jump out of nowhere. With this
experience I had a pleasurable 'feeling' which I have never experienced
before, I can honestly say the 'jump' was more than 300 percent. Now
this ability was not a one off, I have managed to experience this at
My creative ability has had a major leap, I am working towards an album
for the end of 2007, there is an avalanche of ideas just keep coming,
and these ideas are nicely fitting in my plan.
Also my painting has taken another creative boost, I have almost
completed a very large canvas which I couldn't finish 8 months ago,
within few days I was inspired to give it a magical touch, the magic
touch turned out to be a series of magical brush strokes which have
helped me to continue painting.
Asgar Khan –UK
"I Instantly Feel a Positive Energy In My Body
WOW! I am very excited and I don't
have words to express my feelings. "Quantum Mind Power" is
exactly what I have been looking for.
I was a little bit depressed because I achieved only 60% of my June
month goal till 28th. Even I couldn't concentrate on my work because of
it. I used "Eden Energy Wave Dynamics Isochronic 6" for two
days (29th and 30th) and I instantly feel a positive energy in my body.
In just 2 days I become more energetic, joyful and you'll surprise to
know "I achieve my goal for June month too". Truly Amazing.
Raamakant S. |
www.theesuccesscode.com | www.raamakants.com
"I Was Out Like a Light Bulb"
I have had sleep problems since I
was 17, and I have never been able to fall asleep immediately, and if
and only if I do sleep, I still never get the rest I wanted.
After listening to your program for the second time, I was out like a
light bulb, as if almost by command.
Also as a side note, I let my youngest son listen to your program,
during his examinations and low and behold, he got his first A, EVER.
He was always the grade average of C+!
Just incase you wondering he is in grade 12 so you can imagine the
effect this program has had on him.
Regards and go well,
"These recordings are invaluable for doing my dreamwork and assist in achieving lucidity"
I have been using the product for a few months now, not even
as suggested (mainly NS and EEW). I find that these recordings are
invaluable for doing my dreamwork and assist
in achieving lucidity. Furthermore, the content of my dreams seems to
be much more focused on my evolution when I listen to these tracks,
especially before sleep. Also, any affirmations made before the use of
them along with affirmations after listening are much more powerful.
They seem to have much more emotional energy.
Basically, I feel on top of things mentally, emotionally and
spiritually with the use of these sonic tools.
Thanks Morry!!!!
Daniel Silvan ,
"It's like my sub-coconscious mind had just opened
up and is delivering important messages and answers to me"
I love researching new technology, reading about the mind, body and
spirit, how everything connects. I love learning and I have spent
thousands on courses and programs. I don't often give testimonials -
UNLESS the product is outstanding and I must let you know I have found
this program amazing!!
I have had so many different unexpected results. New awareness's
keep coming to me, it's like my sub-coconscious mind had just
opened up and is delivering important messages and answers to me. I
seem to see things far more clearly. I find I have significantly more
energy in healing work. My skin seems noticeably clearer and my mind
less foggy.
Even though I am fundamentally a happy person, I feel I have a lighter,
brighter disposition now. I think those two word describe my feeling
the best, lighter and brighter. I am under more stress than usual so I
can only attribute these changes to the program. I can feel it.
Seriously I am finding this amazing and exciting!
Andrea Irwin
"My business is in place and life has never been
Recently I sat down with a friend of mine, and our conversation was
just on general things we are doing in our particular lives. Soon it
was quite evident to me, that our interests,
and financial goals were very similar.
Then it happened, flash after flash, and inspiration after inspiration.
Before too long I had come up with a business name, objectives and a
solid business plan. No matter what problems my friend put to me, I had
the solutions, they just kept on flowing one
by one. It wasn't until some time after I realized the brilliance
had come from the use of Quantum Mind Power, which I had only starting
using a week or so prior.
Now the business is in place and life has never been better. All credit
surely must go to Morry and his Quantum Mind Power program.
Thank you Morry, we are in your debt.
Rob Douglas
"Wealth & Prosperity, Finally"
Soon after starting with neural synergy, I found a nice money spell
online. Something very easy and so I started with that. This gave me
immense happiness and led me further to the prosperity game ( which I had never heard of before). I then started
playing this game (still do so each day). I
then attracted money to the tune of $2250 (converted to my currency it
is a big amount) within a 3-4 days. CHEERS to MORRY.
Best wishes,
"My Productivity Has Tripled"
I've all sorts of problems, ADD, OCD, and Chronic Fatigue, but this cd is helping me loads. I notice that whenever I'm
down and do a session with Eden
then boom I'm back in a more upbeat mood, or even in a TOTALLY
different place. And it also reduces the awful mind nonsense I have to
deal with, having ADD and OCD symptoms. I'm also getting WAY more done
during the day, my productivity is easily TRIPLED.
"I was little skeptical"
I had spent lot of money on self improvement courses, but none
of them worked because initial euphoria we may fell-good but it goes
off with doming time. When I bought QMP I was little skeptical you know
guys it really works.
I really don't know how every thing got transformed in my life. I'm
able to find new person in me; I don't get angry or fear for any
thing. My mind is with full of bless. I'm working creatively and
for long hours. I feel my mind has become thin and it doesn't
have any role to play and I'm in control. I have moved from
domain of doing to being. My life has changed.
I really thank Morry and his work. He has given new realm of awareness
it is in our intelligence to use for better tomorrow.
"I have been able to reduce the amount
of medication required three different times"
I am 62 years young and up until 25 years ago have lived a hard life of
alcoholism and drug addiction that resulted in medical ailments such as
a "shrinking" kidney and hypertension, to name just two. I
have been taking medication for a tachycardic
arrythmia and my hpertension.
The medications slow me down and produce a very low energy level and a
lowered mood resulting in dysthymia. As a
result I have had a daily struggle balancing my medications,
productivity, energy levels, mood levels, blood pressure and heart
Since using Quantum Mind Power I have seen my blood pressure reading
continually drop to the degree that I have been able to reduce the
amount of medication required three different times (of course in
coordination with my family physician's direction). I would not believe
it if I did not experience this myself.
But as a result of QMP I now work longer and more productively, enjoy
life more, and have fewer side effects from meds. My physician is
considering taking me off the anti-depressant that was being used to
counteract the antihypertensive's side
effects. With little medication my BP readings are well into low-normal
ranges and I feel better in every way than I have for about 22 years. I
have also experienced no tachycardic attacks.
I know this is long but I did want to convey this message to you and
others. Maybe these are not typical results. Maybe they are? An
anecdotal story of one does not make for good data but I wanted to
offer hope to others.
Thanks for your products and for the continued support that is
Ken Dickinson,
"I truly think that medical authorities should wake up to
this form of treatment"
We have a son of 24 years of age, who only has a mental age of a 7 year
old. This is the way he has been since birth. We have been to the top
experts in this disorder, have had numerous brain scans done but all
they told us it's a genetic disorder.
That's the way it will be for him till I bumped onto your system
and thought I give it a try for my son. The cost of your program was
naught to thousands we had given to the experts. I just want to say
after just 3 days that my son listened to the Eden Energy Wave
Dynamics, he said to me dad can you help me read this book that he was
holding in hand, this just brought tears to me and my wife eyes.
So much so he has completely transformed, in the manner he is more
happy, cooperative, and can keep up with conversations with his
brothers also we note he has started to make decisions. None of this he
could ever do before. I don't know what mysteries your system
contains but it works!! Please keep up this good work and I truly think
that medical authorities should wake up to this form of treatment, for
people like my son. Once again Thank You! And God Bless.
M Butt London UK
"I've gotten back 80% of what I lost"
I have been using Quantum Mind Power recordings for about a month now.
What I notice most is that my memory has so improved. I have gone
through menopause and with it my memory really suffered. It made me
uncomfortable. My vocabulary seemed to be out of reach for at least the
last six years. I would go to say something and couldn't access the
right word.
Well that's close to non-existent now. What a difference using this
program has made. I'd say I've gotten back 80% of what I lost and I
fully expect to get back the rest and honestly to far exceed what I had
in the first place. This program is a must for people as they start to
age. I can't recommend it enough.
Shirley Carrick
Now you have seen the power of “The Morry Method¡± technology, let me
introduce you...
A New Breakthrough “The Morry
Method” System
Quantum Confidence With “The Morry Method”
Personally Engineered By Morry Zelcovitch
For Eliminating The Root Cause of All Your Life's Problems And
Allowing You Access To Supreme Self Confidence
10 CDs in 4 Components

Get Started Today & Activate Your 6 Week Free Trial
Component #1: Quantum
Confidence and Self Esteem with TMM © (6
CDs Total Value $597)
It is a
"dual" brainwave recording (A different and distinct brainwave
pattern targeting each hemisphere of the brain separately).
Included in
this set are 3 CD's in the Monaural waveform format, and 3 in the Isochronic waveform format. The CD's are labeled 1,2 and 3 for both stimulation types with each CD
having a different pitch so that you can pick the one that's right
for you, every time you listen!
It is
specifically designed to pump up your sense of self esteem, while at the
same time increasing your personal confidence levels by making you feel more
relaxed and “comfortable in your own skin”.
This will
allow you to develop healthy new feelings and improve old feelings about
yourself. It can also act as an overall brain exercise that can
contribute to your brains re-organization to a higher level of
With regular
use of this recording, the changes you experience may pleasantly surprise
recording may also be used anytime when you feel “stuck” or
for a quick “pick me up”.
Component #2: Quantum
Confidence/Self Esteem Meditation with TMM © (1 CD Total Value $147)
recording is designed as a self esteem and confidence building
meditation. Strong self esteem and confidence in oneself is a major
component needed to unlock your ability to be happy, successful and
content. When combined with a subtle, yet powerful brainwave entrainment
rhythm, the possibilities become endless and allow this recording to be
an integral part of the brain re-training process.
This recording is designed to help you to actually think better and in a
more healthful manner, more positively in fact so as to help you to
manifest a new view of the world, a positive view that will lead you to
joy and abundance. How we look at things and interpret their meaning can
be everything and amazing changes can occur when we change how we look at
Component #3: Quantum
Confidence and Self Esteem Triliminal © (1
CD Total Value $197)
Introducing a brand new technology,
never before seen anywhere and exclusive to TMM... “Quantum
Triliminals” ©
When we
program ourselves everyday of our lives, we do so by affirming things over
and over again...
How can I pay
these bills???
How can I pay
these bills???
How can I pay
these bills???
Why can't
I meet someone to really love???
Why can't
I meet someone to really love???
Why can't
I meet someone to really love???
countless others...
It is
understood that this type of programming works, after all, just look at
your life circumstances now and you will see what I mean.
With Quantum
Triliminals © the end of this negative programming is in sight as we take
this method of training/learning, a method that up until now has been
used to tear us down and use it for “good” instead...
After all,
energy is neither good or bad... In the end, it's
how we use it that makes it what it is, and your thoughts are energy. It
is the time now to convert it to a positive purpose, and that's
exactly what the new technology of Quantum Triliminals © can help you
Here is
how it works...
You hear 3
sets of specially designed affirmations, All at the same time!!!
In the left ear you hear affirmations specially designed for acceptance
by the right hemisphere of your brain.
This is the “creative”
side of your brain, so the affirmations are designed to be accepted more
easily by being designed with that in mind.
In the right
ear you hear affirmations specially designed for acceptance by the left
hemisphere of your brain.
This is the “analytic”
side of your brain, so the affirmations are designed to be accepted more
easily by being designed with a logical flare.
At the same
time as you hear the “hemispherically specific” (right and
left brain) affirmations, you will also hear affirmations that are not
hemispherically specific in nature as well. These are presented to both
Thus, you end
up hearing 3 sets of very specifically designed affirmations that when
heard as they are, (at the same time) acts to cause the mind to literally
reorganize itself to a higher level as it attempts to follow/understand
the presented sets of affirmations.
The end
result is that the positive messages get by any and all resistance and
get “heard” directly by the “sub conscious” where
they can do the most good.
Component #4: Quantum
Confidence (TMM) Subliminal Self Esteem Support #1 and #2 ©
(2 CDs Total Value $197 )
encompasses beliefs, emotions and behavior. Self-esteem can be the value
we place on ourselves and how we interpret what others think of us.
It can encompass
all of the feelings that we have about all the things we see and feel
ourselves to actually be.
knowing that we are liked, loved, respected.
It's also knowing that we are useful, able and unique.
self-esteem means that we have a healthy view of ourselves and a positive
recording helps to instill this knowledge and feelings of confidence and
self esteem into your fertile subconscious mind.
Put to a
beautiful soundtrack of…
A coastal
retreat with other subtle nature sounds (#1),
A crackling
fire and rain with other subtle nature sounds (#2),
recordings will help to act as a guide for your brainwave entrainment
training and should be played in the background every day when cleaning,
cooking, working at the office, even while your watching TV.
Get Started Today & Activate Your 6 Week Free Trial
#1: Good Night, Sleep Well...(A $97 Value)
This is a
classic "The Morry Method" recording that receives the most positive
feedback. This recording is designed to help bring on sleep by
quieting the mental "noise" that can adversely affect your quality of
sleep. Think calming thoughts, or nothing, while you drift off listening
to these specially designed tones that lead you gently into a healthful
and restful sleep state.
This recording actually guides you into your sleep cycle, helping to give
you a head start on a restful and rejuvenating nights sleep.
Special Note: This recording is
a downloadable mp3.
#2:Schumann Resonance Meditation...(A $97 Value )
7.83hz. is the
Schumann Resonance, or the frequency that electro-magnetic waves travel
through the earth's ionosphere. It's been given credit for stimulating the
release of growth and sex hormones (N. Shealy).
More spiritual
and psychic experiences have been reported using this frequency than any
This is
another classic "The Morry Method" recording.
Note: This recording is a downloadable mp3.
#3: The Connection--A New 40 min "The Morry Method" Brainwave
Entrainment Recording
(A $197 Value )
Connection" recording will
help you move your mind beyond knowledge to knowing, and show you visions
of what and where growth is needed.
It can help you to
communicate with your higher self and thus gain a greater understanding of
yourself. This state is more common in extroverts with low traits of
neurosis & anxiety.
Connection" can benefit you in
many and varied ways, such as by...
and more...
Note:This recording is a downloadable mp3.
Get Started Today & Activate Your 6 Week Free Trial
Frequently Asked Questions About Quantum
Confidence with “The Morry Method”
Answered By Morry Zelcovitch)
Are the results of using
Quantum Confidence temporary or permanent?
Answer: Using the Quantum Confidence system is very
similar to using an exercise regimen or even a proper diet that
includes a change in eating habits. You see what happens is if you
exercise for a time and notice your body getting into really good
shape, and if you diet for a time and notice your weight dropping to a
desired level, and then you turn around and stop exercising and go back
to eating in the same way as before you will tend to notice the same
conditions that preexisted returning. Thus you will tend to gain weight
and your muscles will tend to lose their shape and conditioning.
This system must be considered
much in the same way, it is important once you get to the point where
you want to be that you keep up a maintenance routine, a routine
designed to maintain your results, without it you definitely run the
risk of returning to the state that you were in previous to your use of
the Quantum Confidence system.
Now that doesn't mean that
you will definitely fall back, it also doesn't mean that you have
to continue to use the system every day. All it means is that you need
to use it regularly whether that is once or twice a week in order to
allow your mind-body system to maintain any beneficial results just
like exercise and just like changing your eating habits.
Ultimately the results can be permanent if you are willing to continue
to use the system at least on a semi regular basis, conversely they may
prove temporary if you only use the system little and then stop.
Can these recordings prove
harmful to the brain? Is the use of entrainment addictive?
Answer: Well the first thing we need to point out
is that there is absolutely no danger in using brainwave entrainment,
meditation or affirmations when used in an appropriate and responsible
way. What this means is, don't use these recordings when you're
driving, don't use these recordings when you're operating
potentially dangerous machinery or tools, we wouldn't suggest
listening to these recordings when you're carving the
Thanksgiving Day turkey. As long as you are responsible then there
really is no danger at all. It's important to note at this point
that once the brain has produced enough neurochemicals that it simply
will not produce any more.
When we take chemical or a pill to
affect our chemical levels in the brain what is happening is a protein
is being placed at a receptor site and this protein is holding a
receptor open, this can account for overproduction and over release of
different neurochemicals into the system.
Entrainment does not do this, if you listen more than maybe you
should you are simply taking up time, the brain itself will not
overproduce neurochemicals simply as a result of listening.
If you use entrainment for a period of time and then suddenly stop
the effects are likely to slowly wear off and you are likely to return
to the state that you may have been in previous to your use. There are
no withdrawal symptoms, there can be no harm to the brain after all
these are simply sounds, if you have any specific conditions with your
brain then it might be a good idea to speak with your health care
provider before using these recordings but under normal circumstances
there is no reason for concern and once again we simply suggest seeing
and asking the opinion of a health professional in order to play it
safe. After all when was the last time you heard a healthcare
professional tell you that it was unhealthy to
Entrainment is not addictive, and
I've never heard of anyone being in a position where they can't
go without it and are thus addicted.
Will it change who you are as a
Answer: The question of it changing who you are as
a person is an interesting one. I do not believe that it changes you as
a person so much as it allows the person who you truly are to come
through and show yourself and thus be expressed.
For those of you out there who have never used this system or brainwave
entrainment before there is something that you should be aware of. Properly engineered brainwave entrainment has
been shown to allow for the release of deep and buried trauma, people
who have repressed painful or embarrassing events in their life may
find that these come to the surface. Much like a cist it is important
for these events to come to the surface and be dealt with in order for
you to move on in a healthy and productive fashion. As such I suggest
that you have someone handy whether it be a
professional or trusted friend or family member who you can discuss
these things with if and when they present themselves.
In many cases repressed emotions and events clear themselves easily
but occasionally they may be difficult and that is why it is important
to have a trusted person to speak with in order to help you deal with
When many people are listening to TMM recording systems, they find that
random thoughts seem to pop out of nowhere and they wonder if they
should be forcing these thoughts to stop or whether they should just
let them flow.
I believe that the best thing to do is to let them flow. You see these
systems are specifically designed to give you what you need when you
need it and if something is popping to the surface I suspect there's
a good reason for that so don't fight your thoughts, don't
resist them simply let them be and I believe that this will allow you
to get the best possible results. It is true that when you resist
something you are causing a state of stress and these systems are about
natural states of relaxation peace and bliss.
How long does it take before
you will notice results?
Answer: That is an interesting question and the
answer has more to do with who you are, where you are and where you
want to go. You see not everybody is in the same race so to speak, not
everybody is starting at the same place and not everybody wants to end
at the same place. As such your results will very a great deal from the
results of your neighbor. What is important here is to keep an open
mind and simply notice the circumstances around you, notice how some
things become easier, notice how some people around you suddenly are
treating you differently, simply notice and you will see changes
occurring very quickly. As far as the big changes, the major changes
the ones that cause life changing circumstances, you will have to tell
me but as I have mentioned before in a previous answer to another
question, most people will notice a change well within the period of
two months, a change that will give you confidence to continue using
the system and to continue improving.
What kind of affirmations are
used in your new Quantum Triliminal © recording?
Answer: In our manual all affirmations are listed
so that you may look at them and know exactly what is being directed
towards your subconscious mind.
The affirmations are designed for each hemisphere of the brain as well
as to be accepted by your mind so that change, real change may occur in
the most efficient and effective way possible. These affirmations do
not include “I will win the lottery tomorrow” they do not
include “I will gain superpowers and be able to leap tall
buildings in a single bound”, the affirmations are tried and true
and again they are designed for ease of acceptance and effectiveness.
Get Started Today & Activate Your 6 Week Free Trial
So, How Much Does It Cost?
Okay, okay.
So you're convinced of the power of eliminating the root cause of
your problem, and the power of the amazing breakthrough “The Morry
Method” technology. But, you want to know what it's going to cost
you to get a copy of the Quantum Confidence With “The Morry Method”
system. Well, why don't YOU decide what it's worth...
Frankly, if
you see how powerful the Quantum Confidence with “The Morry Method”
system is, then you'll agree that it's easily worth the price tag
you're NOT going to pay $1,997.00 today. You're not even going to pay a quarter of that to get the
incredible system.
In fact, we will let you test drive this entire program for 6 weeks FREE
We'll send you the complete program by postal mail and you don't have to put up a penny to try it out. In fact, We'll even cover the shipping and handling for you, all you need to do is put up $1 to validate your credit card or paypal account and prove you are over 18 years old.
See if the program is right for you. Then make an informed decision based on your personal experience.
The reason we are doing this is firstly we are absolutely confident that this program will completely transfrom your self confidence and self esteem, and work for you like no other programs on the market.
The 2nd reason is that we want to appreciate you as a valued subscriber and customer. We want to help you get started 2013 right so that you can make it the best year ever.
Now if you stick around after the SIX WEEK FREE TRIAL period your investment will be just four simple monthly installments of $99.
We guarantee it is going to completely remove
the root cause of your life's frustrations and problems with no
effort on your part. All you have to do is to sit back and
listen to the CDs. We will even make the guarantee official:
Risk-Free No Question Asked 60-Day
Take advantage of the 6 WEEK FREE TRIAL.
We willl send you the entire program of Quantum Confidence system at our own expense. You'll get
everything you see here, professionally printed10 CDs and 1 user manual! Try it for 6 WEEKS and see if it is right for you.
If not, you can send it back on or before the end of the six week trial without risk or obligation and never be charged.
And if you decide to stick around after the 6 week trial period, you will get a FURTHER 60-day MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.
The way we figure it is this: if you're not satisfied,
that's our fault not yours! Why should you have to pay anything for
it? You have absolutely NO RISK WHATSOEVER.
You'll notice
that none of our competition offers such a strong guarantee. I think that
tells you a lot about how confident they are with their product and how
well it delivers. You get a no-risk guarantee from us for one simple
reason: you must be satisfied or we don't deserve your business.

our promise and we're sticking to it. So there's no risk on
your part whatsoever.
Take action
now. Get this incredible
Quantum Confidence with “The Morry Method” System right now
and start to transform your life forever.
Activate Your 6 Week FREE Trial !
YES, Morry and Song! I want to Boost My Mental Power, Eliminate The Root Cause of All My Life Frustrations and Attain Supreme Self Confidence! 
I will take you up on your exact guarantee and try the Quantum Confidence system for 6 WEEK free.
I understand that you will send me this entire program including 10 CDs and 1 user manual by postal mail at your expense.
I understand that I have no obligations to continue after the 6 week free trial unless I choose to. I only have to put up $1 today to validate my credit card or paypal account , and to prove I am over 18 years of age.
If I decide to continue after the FREE 6 Weeks, my investment is just 4 simple monthly installments of $99.
I understand that I have full 6 weeks to test drive this entire system to see if it is right for me, with no risk and obligations whatsoever. If I don't find my confidence and self esteem is increased 100 times, I can send back the CDs on or before the end of the 6 week free trial and never be charged a penny. And I can still keep the FOUR downloadable bonuses worth $391.
Plus if I decide to keep the program beyond the 6 week free trial period, I will still be protected by a FURTHER 60 day 100% money back satisfaction guarantee.
On that basis, I'm clicking below to get started with my FREE Trial right now before this opportunity is no longer available...
Activate My 6 Week Free Trial

To your
Founder of
Quantum Mind Success International

PS. Thousands have proven the power of “The
Morry Method” systems. The new Quantum Confidence with TMM system
is the only “The Morry Method” system that works on
eliminating the root cause of your problems so that you can completely
transform your life forever.
PPS. You can try this amazing Quantum
Confidence with TMM system totally risk free. If you don't get
all the benefits we promise and more, simply return the Quantum
Confidence with “The Morry Method” CD package ANY TIME and
receive every penny back including
shipping, no hassle, no question asked.
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